Robin’s Farewell October 27, 2019 Minister Robin Beale presents her closing sermon as she retires from Our Father's House ministry, teaching on the Good Samaritan from Luke...
Giving Honor Where Honor is Due October 20, 2019 On Pastor Appreciation Day, Pastor Lanny teaches from Romans 13:7, and discusses different ways that we show honor to one...
Flash Drought October 13, 2019 Pastor Robin Beale shares a compelling message about spiritual drought in our lives - its causes, its effects, and some practical steps we...
Ukraine Trip Report September 29, 2019 Pastors Lanny and Jay present their stories and testimonies from their recent missions trip to the Ukraine.Presented by Pastor Jay...
There Is Still More Room September 15, 2019 Visiting from Kenya, Bishop Samuel Kazungu gives a report from his home country, and teaches from the parable of the wedding banquet in...
Welcome to Heir School September 8, 2019 Brian talks about the process of learning to be an heir of the King, and how stewardship works in real life. It's not about hoarding what...
Our Appointment to Impact August 25, 2019 Visiting speaker Bonnie Chavda teaches about becoming aware of our appointment to impact those around us - and the Holy Spirit's enabling...
Be Sprinkled with His Blood August 18, 2019 Pastor Lanny teaches on communion, addressing the rather unique aspects of the Christian faith that can be perplexing and troubling to...
Prayer Calling – Seeking God With All Your Heart August 11, 2019 Pastor Steve Kooy preaches on prayer, based on verses in Acts 1 and 2.Presented by Pastor Steve Kooy on 08/11/2019Subject:...