Investigating Same-Sex Attraction
Pastor Lanny discusses the uncomfortable issues that homosexuality raises for conservative Christians. He presents the difference between identity, orientation, and attraction, and considers each from a point of view of our relationship to God and our faith. He invites those among us who have a religious legalism attitude toward persons struggling with the ramification and manifestations of same-sex attraction to repent of their attitude and become a compassionate and informed representative of the Father to those for whom Jesus died. Finally, he discusses how we as a household of faith must strategize how we are going to receive, encourage, and support the journey of those struggling with same-sex attraction and the conflict of conscience it may be causing.
Presented by Rev. Lanny Clark on 04/14/2019
Subject: Sexual Brokenness
Theme: Same-sex attraction
Scripture: Rom 12:2, 1 Cor 6:9-11, 18
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